The Basics on basicallyLiz Blog


It’s here!

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be the proud owner of a blog, I mean, my own website, no matter how small or simple, its mine!  You may be wondering why in the world I started basicallyLiz, or maybe you aren’t wondering, but I’ll tell you anyway 🙂

I’ve enjoyed reading a couple of blogs lately, they are mostly lifestyle and home decor bloggers, and I always think “how cool and fun would it be to share that adventure with the world?!”  …. but I could never do that.  I have a real life, I’m a regular mom, I work part time, and I have bathrooms that are waiting to be cleaned.”

A few weeks ago I had a rough day at work, my husband could tell it had been an especially stressful shift when I was still mulling it over in my head a couple days later.  I tend to do that, I think nurses in general have a hard time turning off our “nurse brain” and adjusting to regular life after leaving the hospital.  Anyway, my husband knows this by now, he knows when I need to talk about it and he knows when not to ask.  Sometimes he has to pry a little to get me going and that’s just what he did, we talked and talked and talked.  At the end of it, we came up with this idea, an outlet for me, a place for me to talk about things I really enjoy, things I find relaxing, things that make me feel happy and calm.

We also talked about the kind of blogger I didn’t want to be.  I told you I really like a few blogs, but if I’m being honest, sometimes they make it seem like life is perfect, everything is always filtered and beautiful and working out for them.  This can leave me feeling envious or inadequate, “Why can’t my projects work out like that?”  “geez, I wish I had a pool house I could decorate”  “I wish I could buy those clothes”

I don’t want that.  I’m real, I’m honest.  Sometimes it takes me waaaaaaay to long to unload those clean dishes from the dishwasher.  I’m not the perfect wife or mom, but I try really hard.  I think most of us do.

So I hope you will follow me as I start this new blogging adventure. I hope we can learn a few things from each other!


4 thoughts on “The Basics on basicallyLiz Blog

  1. mo

    looks good! glad it’s not broken 🙂


      Whew, me too! Thanks 😄

  2. Rosalyn

    Yippee! Excited for this adventure for you.


      Thank you! 😘

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