The EASIEST DIY Chalkboard Tutorial

How many DIY chalkboard tutorials have you seen on Pinterest?  About a million, right?  Well, I’m sharing the EASIEST DIY chalkboard tutorial!  I liked this project because I got to use paint and power tools, but it was just enough of each to make it feel like a real DIY project. This giant chalkboard was made for a VIC (very important client), my mother-in-law 🙂 There was a small empty space between...

Easy Over-the-Bed Guest Room Decor

I’m going to walk you through how I made a super cheap and easy over-the-bed decor using a tree branch.  Let me start out by saying, there are three components to the perfect DIY project: Easy, inexpensive and quick. Am I right? Yes, I am. 😉 I needed something to put over the guest bed.  We’ve made a lot of costly purchases since moving and I’m not ready to spring for a...